OEM queries

col target_name for a60
col metric_name for a20
col metric_column for a20
col value for a20
set lines 300

select target_name,metric_name,metric_column,value from sysman.mgmt$metric_current where metric_label='Database Size' and metric_column='ALLOCATED_GB';

Database Options/Management Packs Usage Reporting for Oracle Databases 11.2 and later (Doc ID 1317265.1)

./emcli get_on_demand_metrics -target_type=oracle_database -target_name=<target_name>
./emcli modify_collection_schedule -targetType="oracle_database" -targetNames="<target_name>" -collectionName="ME\$database_size" -freqType="Minute" -freqValue=5 -preview="N"
./emcli modify_collection_schedule -targetType="oracle_database" -targetNames="<target_name>" -collectionName="ha_backup_last" -collectionStatus=Disabled -preview="N"
./emcli get_targets -target='oracle_database' | awk '{print $4}'
col column_label for a20
col key_value for a20
  col value for a20
  set lines 300
  set pages 500
  select column_label,key_value,value from sysman.mgmt$metric_current where metric_label='advance_compression';
  select key_value,LISTAGG(value, ',') within group ( order by value ) as options from sysman.mgmt$metric_current where metric_label='advance_compression' group by key_value;</target_name></target_name></target_name>


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